





地址: 江蘇省南通市姚港路38號

       在董事長(cháng)兼總經(jīng)理孟咸宏先生領(lǐng)導下,公司各部門(mén)和施工項目部密切配合,管理規范,現有在崗職工一千余人,其中具有專(zhuān)業(yè)職稱(chēng)的技術(shù)人員600多人。設備方面,公司擁有在國內具領(lǐng)先水平的6500m³/h 和3500m³/h的絞吸式挖泥船、4200m3和8000m3耙吸式挖泥船多艘,日本進(jìn)口的13m³抓斗式挖泥船2艘,滾筒長(cháng)度42m以上的多功能鋪排船3艘及其他配套的各類(lèi)工程船舶共40多艘,砼攪拌系統、挖掘機、推土機等工程機械若干。
       從南通創(chuàng )業(yè)伊始,到如今腳步拓展到沿江、沿海一帶,公司所承建的工程也越來(lái)越趨向專(zhuān)業(yè)化、大型化,在圍堤工程、航道整治工程、疏浚與吹填工程、碼頭工程、船塢工程、涵閘工程、橋梁工程等領(lǐng)域都取得了驕人的業(yè)績(jì)。
       雄關(guān)漫道真如鐵,而今邁步從頭越。公司將秉承“嚴謹、包容、發(fā)展、創(chuàng )新”的企業(yè)精神,上下求索,在新的目標戰略的引領(lǐng)下,全力打造堅實(shí)的品牌,以?xún)?yōu)質(zhì)的工程、完善的服務(wù)和飽滿(mǎn)的熱情迎接更為燦爛、輝煌的明天!
    Jiangsu Haihong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd (hereafter called Haihong) is located at Nantong city, Jiangsu province, P.R. CHINA.  Haihong is a construction company with Grade A of qualification of general contracting in the port and waterway engineering industry and second grade of qualification of general contracting in the water conservancy and hydropower engineering industry. 
    Through over 30 years’ persevering hard work, Haihong has achieved a good reputation and strong strength to gain the quality management system certificate, environmental management system certificate, occupational health & safety management certificate and “AAA-level” credit enterprise, and also won the trustworthy title.  
   Under the leadership of CEO Mr. Meng Xianhong and the regular management system, each office department and project department are in close cooperation. Among the 1000 plus staffs, the technical staffs with specialized positional titles account for 60%. Furthermore, Haihong has several cutter suction dredgers with capacity of 6500m³/h, 3500m³/h and Tralling suction hopper dredger with capacity of 8000m3 and split trailing suction hopper dredger with capacity of 4200 m3; two 13 m³ grab dredgers imported from Japan, three multi-purpose Geo-textiles-laying vessels with drum length over forty-two meters and more than forty supporting engineering vessels. Haihong also has a number of accessory equipments such as concrete mixing systems, excavators, bulldozers, etc.  
   Starting from Nantong, Haihong develops along the Yangtze River and coastal area, the company’s construction works tend to be more and more professional and large-scale on the dyke engineering, waterway regulation engineering, dredging and reclamation engineering, wharf engineering, dock engineering, gate and culvert engineering, bridge construction, etc., have made remarkable achievement in the industry field.  
   In recent years, Haihong seizes the opportunity and all around attracted talents to accumulated a wealth of experience from the process of the port and waterway engineering, water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction and established management model to suitable its own development. 
   Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron; with firm strides we are crossing its summit. Haihong will follow the spirit of "preciseness, tolerance, development, innovation" and search with unbending will, efforts to create a solid brand under the new strategic target. Our high quality, excellent service and ebullience are making a more brilliant future! 

地址:江蘇省南通市姚港路38號 電話(huà):0513-83510596 Copyright ? 2016-2019 江蘇海宏建設工程有限公司 版權所有


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